Frequently Asked Questions

Below you'll find answers to the questions we get asked the most. If you don't see your question here, drop us a line on our contact us page.

Returning to education as an adult can be challenging, especially if early experiences of education were difficult. The LWETB Further Education and Training Guidance Service provides information, advice, and guidance on training, education, and careers for adults who want to return to education. We offer help before, during, or after your course. If you want to make an appointment with the Guidance Service, click here to access our online booking form.

The National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) has been designed to allow learners to compare and classify qualifications across ten levels ranging from the initial stages of learning to the most advanced stages.

The NFQ can help you make informed decisions about which level, of course, is appropriate for you and to make it easier for you to explain the qualifications you hold and those for which you are studying. This becomes particularly important when you are considering further learning or entering employment both here in Ireland and abroad. 

Applying for a Course with LWETB is simple.

  • You can apply online using our Course Finder.
  • If you receive jobseekers payment, your DEASP Intreo Officer can refer you directly.
  • For specific contact details, check the course information section on our website.

If you have any trouble with these options, please contact the LWETB Further Education and Training Guidance Service.

The entry requirements vary and are detailed in our Course Finder.

Most courses are free of charge however, we advise you contact the Course Co-Ordinator or Course Recruitment as some charges may apply.

  • In many cases for our full-time courses the training is free. In fact, you may even be entitled to a training allowance.
  • If you are in receipt of certain DSP payments you may be entitled to an allowance when attending a full-time course.
  • Part-time provision through the Back to Education Initiative (BTEI) is free to those in receipt of a Department of Social Protection payment or to a medical card holder or people who have less than an upper-second level education. BTEI is also open to people under Skills to Compete Scheme, for more information click here
  • If you are doing a Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) you may be entitled to BTEA or SUSI maintenance grant to cover costs for more information visit here.
  • The Youthreach Programme and CTC are free to early school leavers or those aged between 16 and 20 years old. A training allowance will be paid to learners: €40.00 per week for those aged 16 and 17 and €208 (subject to change) per week for those aged 18 and over. Travel and meal allowances are also available. 
  • Garrycastle Campus Evening Classes
Learners in receipt of a Department of Social Protection payment may be entitled to a fee waiver depending on the type of payment they are receiving. Part-time evening classes may have some associated costs for those who are in employment. For more information, contact course recruitment. If in employment you may be eligible for free fees under Skills to Advance.
  • Our self-financing evening classes in Mullingar Community College fees apply,
  • Ecollege courses are free 

Childcare provision is made available under the National Childcare scheme (NCS).

If you have a disability and/or specific needs, we have a range of programmes catering for your requirements, in addition other training supports can be provided such as:

  • adaptive technologies, for example screen reading software;
  • suitable furniture, equipment or devices;
  • adjusting or modifying examinations, for example by allowing extra time or providing a reader or scribe;
  • provision of a reader or interpreter service.

It is important that you make contact with your course co-ordinator and make them aware of your needs.

Course timetables will be made available at course induction. There is an indicative timetable available on the course description page.

If you require further information, please contact the relevant Course Co-Ordinator for more information on our Course Finder section of the website.

We offer certification from the following; QQI (Quality Qualifications Ireland) Levels 1-6, City and Guilds, ILM, VTCT, ITEC, CIBTAC, ATI, Microsoft and a range of industry specific qualifications. 

If you have applied for a course online through Fetch Courses but have not yet had a response after the initial automatic response, don’t panic, Course Recruitment or your Course Co-Ordinator will make contact with you closer to the scheduled start date of the course.

Please go to the course finder section on the LWETB website for information on course content, contact details of the course coordinator and information on any other provisions in place for the course.