Tenth Anniversary Celebrations #ETBDAY

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Longford and Westmeath Education and Training Board (LWETB) is one of the 16 ETB’s in Ireland responsible for education and training through schools, youth work and further education. 

To mark the 10th anniversary of LWETB, Connolly Campus held an open day. Connolly Campus is located on Church Street and Battery Road in Longford Town.  

The campus provides opportunities for school leavers and adult learners to enhance their opportunity for employment, progress to further studies or develop new skills, and want to become more involved in their communities.

With an array of courses available in Youthreach, Back To Education Initiative (BTEI), Adult Learning, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Community Education and Post Leaving Certificates (PLCs) the campus caters for everyone’s needs.

Returning to learning as an adult can be challenging, our LWETB FET Guidance and Information Service is on hand to offer information, advice and guidance on training, education and careers.

The open day was a fantastic opportunity for LWETB staff from different provisions to come together and showcase the educational options available in Longford.

It also presented the state of the art facilities available to all learners, these include a fully equipped clinical room for healthcare and nursing learners, a new barista hub, computer suites, beauty treatment rooms and classrooms, School of Engineering Technology, a fully equipped kitchen for catering courses as part of the Youthreach Programme and so much more.

There was a hive of activity from the start, excitement was building when decorations were being put up and preparation was underway for the arrival of the Shannonside FM Outdoor Broadcast.

Throughout the day we were given the opportunity for Staff and Learners to be interviewed live.

It was wonderful to hear from the staff about the services they offer, however, the learners stole the show! To hear their learning journeys and incredible achievements is what LWETB is all about.

The learners are the heart of our services and we celebrate everyone’s successes.

Entertainment on the day was provided by Valerie Nolan, current Business Level 5 Learner and Bridie Gobl in the Longford of College of Further Education (LCFE). They were inspirational.

Overall the day was a great success, we look forward to doing it all again soon.

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