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Quality assurance Development

LWETB is committed to developing new quality assurance policies and procedures in line with our strategic goals and priorities as outlined in LWETB’s Statement of Strategy and in line with the requirements of QQI’s Core Statutory QA Guidelines. 

The LWETB Quality Assurance policies, procedures and processes  provide an agreed framework for quality assurance that is implemented by staff and overseen by the FET QA governance system.

The Further Education and Training Quality System (FETQS) started in 2019 to standardize policies in the FET sector.

FETQS aims to improve the learner’s experience by aligning services to provide relevant and consistent education, including appropriate assessments, whether accredited or not.

Learner Procedures

Learner procedures are the steps and processes that students need to follow during their education with LWETB. These might include how to enroll in courses, submit assignments, report absences, access support services and much more. 

Learner Policies

Learner policies are rules and guidelines that outline what is expected of students and what they can expect from LWETB.  These policies cover  attendance, behavior, assessment, academic integrity, and the use of facilities and resources.

QQI Inaugural Review

Our QQI Inaugural Review, conducted by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) to ensure that LWETB meets the required quality standards, took place in February 2023.

Staff Hub

The Staff Hub offers FET staff policies, procedures, resources, quick support, and more. To access the Staff Hub you will need an ETB email address.


If you have any questions about the policies, procedures or programmes please contact our FETQS Team.

LWETB, College of Further Education and Training, Garrycastle Campus, Garrycastle, Athlone, Co. Westmeath N37 X985