Connolly Campus Open Day

Longford and Westmeath Education and Training Board (LWETB) would like to thank everyone that joined them Wednesday 22nd November for the open day in the Connolly Campus, Longford. The open day was to celebrate College Awareness Week.

LWETB is one of the 16 ETB’s in Ireland responsible for education and training through schools, youth work and further education. LWETB has many campuses across Longford and Westmeath. The Connolly Campus is located on Church Street and Battery Road in Longford Town. The campus provides opportunities for school leavers and adult learners to enhance their opportunity for employment, progress to further studies or develop new skills, and want to become more involved in their communities.

With an array of courses available in Youthreach, Back To Education Initiative (BTEI), Adult Learning, Community Education and Post Leaving Certificates (PLCs) the campus caters for everyone’s needs. Returning to learning as an adult can be challenging, our Further Education and Training Guidance and Information Service is on hand to offer information, advice and guidance on training, education and careers.

The open day was a fantastic opportunity for LWETB staff from different provisions to come together and showcase the educational options available in Longford. It also presented the state of the art facilities available to all learners, these include a fully equipped clinical room for healthcare and nursing learners, a new barista hub, computer suites, beauty treatment rooms and classrooms, School of Engineering Technology, a fully equipped kitchen for catering courses as part of the Youthreach Programme and so much more.

There was a hive of activity from the start, the open day included Apprenticeship talks, workshops and demonstrations in Computers, Smartphones, Wreath Making, Christmas Crafts, Barista, Barbering, Manicure/Pedicure, Reflexology and Nursing. Campus tours took place during the event and there was an opportunity for prospective learners to engage with current learners and tutors.

Overall the day was a great success, we look forward to doing it all again soon. If you missed out on attending the open day, details of courses on offer can be found on or by emailing [email protected].

National Centre for Electric Vehicle Skills in Mullingar

Longford and Westmeath Education and Training Board (LWETB) hosted a landmark event in the Bloomfield House Hotel on Monday 13th November. LWETB were honoured to welcome Minister Simon Harris who revealed plans for a national centre for electric vehicle skills in Mullingar.

The exciting event marks a significant milestone in Irelands transition to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future. The national centre will be a hub for innovation, research, and education in the realm of electrical modes of transport, driving forward the adoption of sustainable transport and technological advances in the region.

The centre will be a critical component of the State’s response to the green transition and will ensure that Irish workers are fully equipped to handle expanding skills requirements of electric vehicles.

When fully developed, the centre will train people to repair and maintain not only electric cars, but also electric bikes, scooters, trucks, buses, vans and heavy goods vehicles. The centre will allow the FET sector to remain a leader in the delivery of motor mechanic skills.

The first step is the establishment of a Project Management Office and the recruitment of staff to commence work on the project.

 Minister Simon Harris, Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, was joined by Ms. Liz Lavery Chief Executive of LWETB, members of the LWETB Senior Leadership Team, members of the LWETB Board, key stakeholders, educators, industry experts, and local leaders to share insights and unveil the government’s strategic vision for this national centre. Speaking today, Minister Harris said “As the number of EVs on the road increases, a workforce with the knowledge to fix and properly maintain them will be needed.” 

“It is clear to us we need a dedicated national centre to focus on the delivery of these key skills, while preparing for future technological advances.” 

“This national centre will be based in the Midlands, in one of our growing towns and will be absolutely critical to delivery of the skills of the future.” 

The announcement of the national centre for electric vehicle skills is a considerable moment for LWETB and for the future of sustainable transport in Ireland.  Ms. Liz Lavery, LWETB Chief Executive, said that “LWETB is delighted and proud to be expanding into this new area and we are proud to play a pivotal role in this endeavour by hosting the national EV centre”. Ms. Lavery recognises the importance of fostering sustainable practices and technological innovation within the Longford and Westmeath community. Ms. Lavery went on to say that “LWETB has a long history in education and training in Longford and Westmeath, providing primary and post-primary education, FET programmes, apprenticeship provision, Music Generation and Youth Services. Ms. Lavery concluded that ‘LWETB is committed to developing a skilled and knowledgeable workforce that can drive Ireland’s transition to a more eco-friendly future”

Andrew Brownlee, SOLAS Chief Executive said “SOLAS welcomes the development of the national centre for electric vehicle skills in Mullingar, Co. Westmeath as a significant milestone in further expanding the national training provision. The skills provided by the national centre by Longford-Westmeath Education and Training Board will be essential in supporting the green transition and in realising climate action targets.” 

 “Our pledge at SOLAS is to provide every FET learner with the green skills and sustainability awareness to allow them to serve as agents of change on climate action.” 

“A warm congratulations to my colleagues in Longford-Westmeath Education and Training Board, and to all of the potential learners in Mullingar and the surrounding areas.” 

This announcement is a significant development for the midland’s region and in particular Mullingar by propelling it into the forefront of sustainable innovation and clean energy.  

For all media queries please email [email protected]